Infographic showing ICSS and Aim Solutions logos with flyers for online training for carers

FREE online training for carers in July 2024

Integrated Care Support Services, together with its training provider Aim Solutions, are continuing a series of online courses. These are designed to support unpaid carers to develop their skills so they feel more confident in providing safe and appropriate care for their loved ones.

Time Management

Time management is a crucial skill that enables us to achieve our goals, stay organised, and reduce stress. This session will be an excellent opportunity for you to learn strategies and techniques to help you manage your time more effectively.
Tuesday 2nd July

End of Life Care

Delivered by the Royal Trinity Hospice, we will look at how we might know if someone needs palliative care; definitions of palliative care; National Guidance around end of life and how palliative is delivered.
Thursday 4th July

Medicines Management

The primary objective of these sessions is to provide individuals with the knowledge they require to manage medication safely and confidently.
Monday 8th July

Dementia Awareness

Come along to gain a better understanding of Dementia (types, symptoms, and impact) and join a growing campaign for greater compassion and awareness of Dementia in our communities.
Tuesday 9th July

First Aid Awareness

This interactive workshop, run by experienced British Red Cross educators, builds your confidence to help someone in a first aid emergency, using everyday objects around you.
Wednesday 10th July

Mental Health Awareness

Join Aim Solutions for an informative and supportive session dedicated to raising awareness about mental health. Whether you are seeking information for yourself or a loved one, or simply want to learn more about mental wellbeing, this session is for you.
Wednesday 10th July

Wound Management/Sepsis

Understand the elements of managing wounds – including dressing types and correct dressing selection.
Monday 15th July

Understanding Nutrition and Hydration

There are many reasons why patients and clients may become malnourished or dehydrated, many of which are preventable. Join us to develop good practices that support healthy nutrition and hydration in care settings.
Tuesday 30th July

Course flyers

Details about each of the courses (course outline, dates, how to book, etc) can be found on the promotional flyers, which include handy QR codes. Click on the links below to open the flyers.

How to participate

Aimsol training courses QR codeTo book your place on any of the above courses:

All of the above sessions are now available to book via the links in the flyers or directly through the website Training | Aim Solutions

The sessions will be held online using Zoom (video conferencing software). Integrated Care Support Services has produced a helpful guide How to Download and Use Zoom for anybody who is not confident about using Zoom.